Title: The Chimera Vector
Author: Nathan M. Farrugia
Series or standalone: First in the
Fifth Column Trilogy
Genre: Sci-fi/Thriller/Action
Publication Date: May 1st
Format: ebook
Source: Author
Goodreads Summary:
The Fifth Column: the world’s most powerful and secretive organization. They run our militaries. They run our governments. They run our terrorist cells.
Recruited as a child, Sophia is a deniable operative for the Fifth Column. Like all operatives, Sophia’s DNA has been altered to augment her senses and her mind is splintered into programmed subsets.
On a routine mission in Iran something goes catastrophically wrong. Bugs are beginning to appear in Sophia’s programming and the mission spins out of control.
High-speed chases, gun fights, helicopter battles, immortal psychopaths, super soldiers and mutant abilities are all in the mix in this edge-of-your-seat action-packed techno-thriller.
Perfect for fans of Matthew Reilly, THE CHIMERA VECTOR melds sci-fi with sizzling espionage action.
Recruited as a child, Sophia is a deniable operative for the Fifth Column. Like all operatives, Sophia’s DNA has been altered to augment her senses and her mind is splintered into programmed subsets.
On a routine mission in Iran something goes catastrophically wrong. Bugs are beginning to appear in Sophia’s programming and the mission spins out of control.
High-speed chases, gun fights, helicopter battles, immortal psychopaths, super soldiers and mutant abilities are all in the mix in this edge-of-your-seat action-packed techno-thriller.
Perfect for fans of Matthew Reilly, THE CHIMERA VECTOR melds sci-fi with sizzling espionage action.
Firstly I want to thank the author
for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review.
Although I didn’t give this book the
highest rating, I still think that other people may LOVE this book, but it just
wasn’t for me. It’s been said to be a lot like Matthew Reilly’s works, but as
far as I can tell, the only real similarity was the action. Throughout the
book, I couldn’t help but compare it to Reilly’s work (who is one of my
favourite authors) and there were some major differences. I feel as though
Matthew Reilly’s characters are fleshed out a lot and I felt like I knew them
inside and out, but with these characters I felt so detached from them and I
just didn’t know them at all.
The plotline itself was interesting,
but a lot of the time I couldn’t keep up. It was just too confusing and there
were so many scientific terms that I had no idea what any of it meant, so it
was really hard to grasp the concept of it. I also found that there were whole
paragraphs dedicated just to how someone would reload their gun and a lot of
the writing was very matter of fact, for example, “Jay did this. Damien did
this. Then Sophia did this”.
One thing I loved about this book was
that there was an awesome main female lead who was sooooo badass. I love
strong, female leads and I think it’s so great that we’re seeing more of them
in the action/adventure genre.
To be honest with you, I think people
who love science and genetics and actually know their stuff would LOVE this
book. But unfortunately, it just wasn’t for me. So if you like action and lots
of scientific stuff, this one’s for you!
Plot: ★★.5
Characters: ★★★
Writing: ★★.5
Romance/Feels: ★
Ending: ★★★
Overall Enjoyment: ★★★
Ending: ★★★
Overall Enjoyment: ★★★