Title: A Safe Space
Author: E.M. Tippetts
Series: Fourth book in a companion
Publisher: Victory Editing
Format: eArc
Publisher: Victory Editing
Format: eArc
Plot: ★★★★
I immediately requested this title as
soon as I read the blurb! It follows a character that rose to fame as a
nickelodeon child star in a show that mirrors our ‘Hannah Montana’. Hannah
Montana was my favourite show as a young teen and I just LOVE the idea of
reading books about famous people trying to make their way through the
business. I thought the plot was interesting and believable and I didn’t want
to put this book down!
Characters: ★★★★
I adored the main character. She was
a beautiful person, always helping those in need even though she doesn’t really
have a family or any money left from her child star days. She was a really
inspiring character. I loved all of the secondary characters as well, and it
just made me want to read the other companion books because I liked them so
much! The love interest was different and odd, and I kind of felt like he was
two different people from the start of the book to the end. His character was
the only one I felt to be a bit forced and unbelievable at times, especially
when he got a bit stalkerish and weird towards the end.
Writing: ★★★★
Great writing, the author obviously
knows a lot about the business an how to put this on paper. Her writing flowed
effortlessly and like I said before, I couldn’t put this book down! I also just want to mention how GORGEOUS the chapter headings are. WOW.
Romance/Feels: ★★★.5
Here’s the thing, I wasn’t entirely sold on the romance. I don’t really know what it is about it, but I have a feeling it’s the male leads doing. I just wasn’t convinced with him and he seemed like two entirely different people at different points of the book.
Here’s the thing, I wasn’t entirely sold on the romance. I don’t really know what it is about it, but I have a feeling it’s the male leads doing. I just wasn’t convinced with him and he seemed like two entirely different people at different points of the book.
Ending: ★★★★.5
I loved the ending though. It was beautiful and satisfied me so well. A great resolution.
I loved the ending though. It was beautiful and satisfied me so well. A great resolution.
Overall Enjoyment: ★★★★
Definitely enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone who was a fan of Hannah Montana, or the entertainment business in general who likes a good romance.
Definitely enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone who was a fan of Hannah Montana, or the entertainment business in general who likes a good romance.
Rereadability: Possibly
Final Rating: 4 stars to be exact!
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