Saturday, 17 January 2015

Book Review | How the Wolf Lost her Heart by Sarah Brownlee

Title: How the Wolf Lost her Heart
Author: Sarah Brownlee
Series: Standalone
Publisher: Self Published
Format: ebook
Source: Author
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review!

I want to start off by saying that this book definitely had a lot of potential, but I couldn’t get past a lot of things that really bothered me. I honestly hate giving books I’ve received for review low ratings, but I have to be honest.
I was really intrigued by the premise of this book, of a dystopian type setting where a small number of people can transform into an animal at will. I LOVE animals, so I was really excited to read this one.
However, I did have problems with it. Firstly, there were quite a few spelling and grammatical errors, and I understand that this is a self-published book, but grammar and spelling errors really bother me. I also found the main character to be extremely annoying because she always created unnecessary drama for no reason at all. She was very immature and I didn’t really buy the romance (this one had a mild case of instalove). I also thought the world building was definitely lacking. The government is briefly mentioned, but how did the world come to be this way? And what do the government do? If the world they live in is as crazy as it’s portrayed, how do people have jobs and work for money and things like that when the world is essentially almost in ruins? Some things just didn’t add up for me and I don’t know if that was because I was looking into it too much, but that’s just my opinion. The ending was really underwhelming and VERY open ended, but hey, maybe the author will write a sequel!
I really liked the idea though! I just think it needs a little bit of tweaking and it could be really great!

Plot: ★★
Characters: ★★
Writing: ★★★
Romance/Feels: ★★
Ending: ★★
Overall Enjoyment: ★★.5

Final Rating:  2.25 stars to be exact!

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