Title: Of Scars and Stardust
Author: Andrea Hannah
Series: standalone
Publisher: Flux
Format: eARC
Publisher: Flux
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Young Adult Mystery
Genre: Young Adult Mystery
After her little sister mysteriously vanishes, seventeen-year-old Claire Graham has a choice to make: stay snug in her little corner of Manhattan with her dropout boyfriend, or go back to Ohio to face the hometown tragedy she's been dying to leave behind.
But the memories of that night still haunt her in the city, and as hard as she tries to forget what her psychiatrist calls her "delusions," Claire can't seem to escape the wolf's eyes or the blood-speckled snow. Delusion or reality, Claire knows she has to hold true to the most important promise she's ever made: to keep Ella safe. She must return to her sleepy hometown in order to find Ella and keep her hallucinations at bay before they strike again. But time is quickly running out, and as Ella's trail grows fainter, the wolves are becoming startlingly real.
Now Claire must deal with her attraction to Grant, the soft-spoken boy from her past that may hold the secret to solving her sister's disappearance, while following the clues that Ella left for only her to find. Through a series of cryptic diary entries, Claire must unlock the keys to Ella's past—and her own—in order to stop another tragedy in the making, while realizing that not all things that are lost are meant to be found.
What an interesting premise! I was immediately intrigued as soon as I saw the cover and read the synopsis. This book follows Claire as she tries to piece together the clues to find her missing younger sister. That sounds vague and unoriginal but trust me, this book is so much more than that. This book is so beautifully written and will keep you on the edge of your seat from the moment you pick up the book. I honestly couldn’t put it down and I was constantly trying to piece together this intricately woven mystery. I loved how it all became clear in the end and there was just enough information to satisfy me, but it also had just that little bit more that left me thinking long after I finished the book. There are so many things to ponder after reading and it really enhances the experience in my opinion.
The only complaints that I had with this book was that I wanted to know more! It was definitely an excellently written mystery that focuses on some really important aspects which I won’t name because they don’t come up until the end of the book, but just know that this book is definitely one to look out for!
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